5 must-have products for glowing skin

When implementing a skincare routine at home, there are certain must-have products with ingredients that are best suited to work on certain skin conditions: from washes and serums to moisturisers and SPFs, the WOW home skincare range has a product designed for each and every skin type. Find out which products CEO and Founder Claire Williams recommends...

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Why is the Consultation so important?

Just recently I’ve had a host of enquiries through various social media channels, wondering about different aspects of certain treatments – and what might be a recommended treatment pathway.First of all let me say – keep them coming!!It’s a joy to respond to such questions, I really enjoy this part of my job.However, please do not be...

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Skincare products: What NOT to include!

Organic. Natural. Clean. Free-from. Just a few terms you might come across while you hunt the shops & scroll through pages and pages of skincare products online.Pretty packaging, a nice logo, well-priced.  Some other things you might be considering when looking at said skincare products.But what does it all come down to, when we make...

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Welcome to C, in my A-Z of Skincare!

Dare I try to cover such a wonderful key ingredient in such a short post? I shall give it a go!Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic Acid. It’s found in various foods, as many will know, and is also known as a common dietary supplement.But what does it do? And what can it do for our skin?Once upon a time, Vitamin C was used to prevent – and treat-...

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